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Phone: 1-800-AVANDIA. Fax: 1-888-772-9404 This document is part of an FDA-approved REMS. Prescriber Enrollment Form ( Please ...
AVANDIA is not recommended in patients with symptomatic heart failure. Initiation of AVANDIA in patients with established NYHA Class III or IV heart failure is ...
Avandia Lawsuit. Used to treat type 2 diabetes, Avandia® has been linked to serious side effects; patients have had a higher instance of heart failure, as well as ...
Avandia Recall News. Avandia side effects information and lawsuit news. AvandiaFDA alert and warning of heart attack risk and congestive heart failure.
AVANDIA is a thiazolidinedione antidiabetic agent. After consultation with a healthcare professional who has considered and advised the patient of the risks and ...
Sep 24, 2010 ...Did regulatory capture lead the FDA, which rarely bans a drug (not even Vioxx) to make the compromise?
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